the little onion

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Work: Goodbyes

I was scrolling through old photos on my phone the other day and came across one that made me grin from ear to ear. When I made the heart-wrenching decision to leave my first employer, whom I had worked for either as an intern or full time for 11 years beginning at the ripe old age of 21, everyone was so incredibly kind and gracious and excited for me to take on a new challenge. I wish everyone the privilege to work with people like these. They are hard-working and smart and kind and funny… and true friends. 

On my last day, the team was called together and had ordered a cake to celebrate and send me off in style. I started laughing the moment I saw it, because it was so witty and hilarious, but quickly felt a pang of sadness because all I could think was, “I’ll never get to work with people this amazing again, who ‘get’ me and my humor so fully that they knew this snarky cake would make me feel loved.” 

Luckily, that has proven not to be true, and there are great people all over- but I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for the crew that walked with me through one of the most challenging roles I’ve ever had, and sent me out the door to my next challenge with smiles on their faces. People and relationships are one of the most beautiful rewards in life and so very little is ever accomplished alone. 

To my EFSS peeps (you know who you are): You’re dead to me, and I hope you fail, too.

If you dig snarky cakes like me, here are a few more I found on the internet. People are so funny. (Sources: 1, 2, 3)

Toodles! TLO