the little onion

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DIY: Child Bunny Slippers

We have officially entered the phase of life where our kids gets invited to birthday parties, and I am HERE. FOR. IT. It's fun to watch your child and their friends grow up and foster little tiny people friendships. Also, this is a party for a sweet little girl, a species which I did not give birth to and thus for whom I have few opportunities to make gifts. *rubs hands together maniacally*

I got it in my head that bunny slippers would make a cute yet semi-practical gift for a 4-year-old, waited until I had 1 day to make said bunny slippers, and then spent an hour trying to find the right pattern in the right size. I couldn't find any that were just right, so ultimately I combined a few.

I found this pattern for the body, used the outer ear pattern and pompon tail idea from this website, and liked the look of the embroidered eyes and nose as well as the cute little ear bows from this pattern. 

The Project:

Materials: Less than 1/2 skein yarn, Size H crochet hook, scraps of embroidery floss for eyes and noses, scraps of ribbon for ear bows, darning needle

Time: About 3 hours

Rookie Mistake: trying it on the foot of your 4-yo to make sure it will fit another 4-yo. Now both boys want bunny slippers with bows on the ears. 

I think they turned out so cute! I hope she likes them. I threw in some stick-on earrings for good measure. ;)

PS. You can read about how I make pompons here. These are small (2-finger) pompons.

Toodles! TLO